In times of global warming the CO2 footprint of buildings is an important measure to improve in order to reach net zero. According to the World Green Building Council 28% of global energy related carbon emissions come from operational emissions.
Buildings are currently responsible for 39% of global energy related carbon emissions: 28% from operational emissions, from energy needed to heat, cool and power them, and the remaining 11% from materials and construction.
Embodied carbon call to action report | World Green Building Council (
Missing Transparency
To be able to act, we need to gain more transperancy on energy and CO2 emissions of our buildings.
But what we currently see most of the time is people building some Excel sheets to get an idea of the energy/CO2 values in their buildings based on the delayed informations from last period (year, quater).
How to improve it?
Based on the idea of connected digital buildings and the energy information we collect from local installations we are able to enrich this data. We have added a new App with an AI model for CO2 emissions to our platform. It combines all these data to a single source of information.
A benchmark to take the right decisions
The App calculates the Energy consumption and gain in Realtime. The results are converted to mΒ². This allowes you to compare multiple Buildings to see if optimizations take effect or where your future investments bring the best success.