Low delta T Syndrome

published on 12 September 2024

As the Helsinki report found, buildings with centralized systems are anything but energy efficient. Many suffer from a condition called Low Delta T Syndrome.

Research suggests that more than half of buildings with a central plant are suffering from Low Delta T Syndrome.

What is this all about?

If a heating or cooling system is operated with too large quantities of water πŸ’§, this cannot be converted into a higher πŸ”₯ heating or ❄️cooling performance.

What are the consequences?

The system reaches saturation and no additional power is delivered. This results in higher ⚑ energy consumption and therefore higher costs πŸ’°.

The system works inefficiently 

How to identify the problem?

We automatically monitor and evaluate your heating and cooling circuits and present their efficiency in a clear manner. This allows you to immediately see whether your systems are working efficiently.

low delta T syndrome - oqdo smart building plattform
low delta T syndrome - oqdo smart building plattform

What reasons could there be for this?

  • Coils and valves are not sized properly
  • Too much water is delivered
  • Coils foul and degrade with age or lack proper maintenance

How to fix the problem?

  • Check your systems for contamination and other problems
  • Do a hydraulic balance
  • Install pressure-dependent control valves

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English πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ‡¬πŸ‡§